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Thursday, November 18, 2010

And I'm like a premature pear.

The kind that's yields the tiniest bit under my thumb, that is just adjacent of appropriately ripe.  I weigh whether to bite.  Is it be too firm to be enjoyed?

I smell it, I try to go on instinct.

I wish I had a better understanding of fruit.

 I wish I could tell the exact condition under that thin skin.

In reality, I just got a solid 9 hours of sleep for the first time in a month, and upon waking I realized that I totally need at least 9 more, tout suite.

*Post best to be read in the tone of SNL skit "Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey" 

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

8:36, Thursday

And I'm like a freshly peeled onion, which is more of the same layer after layer, but with each uncovering a stronger assault on sensitive pores.  Its a force that you can't really avoid, and your only defense is to walk away.

Friday, September 17, 2010


and in reality I'm just mourning the demise of my really nice rug at the hands of a stranger's boobery and how people always seem to take advantage of me and how I will never win the lottery.  Unless its the lottery of the Litany of Small Downers With a Side of No Breaks. I've got an annuity from that one.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I'm like equal thirds of a mess of runny eggs, the gauntlet at the car wash and a sure-footed deer.  Anyone want to try for a visual of that?

What are you equal thirds of right this very second?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

5:32pm Thursday

And today I'm kind of like a lemonhead.  A Sourness that is not appreciated by all.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tuesday, 8:46pm

And I'm like fear and loathing on my own personal campaign trail, flinging my gonzo intuition against plexiglass.  It hits, connects, and slides.  In reality I was just staring at my reflection in the dark kitchen window above the sink, my hands below me wrestling to get the baked on stains off a cupcake tin.

What crosses your mind when you sit there doing the dishes by hand?

Monday, August 2, 2010

9:31pm Monday

And I'm like pretty tired and worn now, like if you crossed an early REM song (think Cuyahoga from Life's Rich Pageant) with a two-day-old jelly roll. 

Earlier today I was like a second-rate Maybelline sailor girl on the way back from the dentist, surfing the streets with teeth that felt like clean grout.

What were you like today? 

Peace out.